MSR Trailshot Pocket-Sized Water Filter

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  • Regular price $84.99

The all new MSR Trailshot microfilter is one of the must-haves in just about any pack. Small enough to fit into a pocket and easy one-handed operation means you won't have to pack liters of water every trip. Pack this little filter in your backpack on mountain bike trips, day trips or even fast and light backpacks. Filter water at a rate of 1L per 60 seconds into storage or drink directly. A great piece of emergency gear in the case of an accident or becoming lost. Teach your kids how to use and leave one in their backpack in case they ever become separated.

An inexpensive filter to use for emergencies or every trip! 

Meets U.S. EPA drinking water standards* and NSF protocolP231 for removal of bacteria (99.9999%), protozoa (99.9%) and particules.

  • Lightweight 142g (5oz)
  • Output 1L/min
  • Cartridge life 2000L
  • Filter size 0.2 microns
  • Pocket size
  • Filter to storage container
  • Drink right from water source
  • One handed use and zero set up
  • Restore flow with a few shakes; no tools required

*U.S. EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Purifiers